Thursday, 7 March 2013

Evaluation Question 3

After condensing our feedback we have learnt that most people liked the combination of our products as it complimented with the genre of the music. The editing has been considered to be impressive and was appreciated. The narrative behind the music video was also appealing as it brought  a humorous element to the video.  The lip syncing was also found accurate  however the camera quality could have been better as some of the scenes seemed pixelated. 

The digipak was also well accepted and everyone from the sample liked the idea of the Rubik's Cube. The representation of the Cube was identified by an individual as it methaphored the concept of togetherness and problem solving. The layout was also found to be appealing due to the digipak itself being very colourful and intriguing.  However an improvement that could have been made is changing the plain white background of the front cover of the digipak as it, accordingly to student, did not compliment well with the colours of the Rubik's cube,  It has also been said the digipak itself contained too much information.  Therefore I can take this forward by ensuring more images than text next time, should I make another digipak. 

Finally the website was very well recieved by the audience as shown my thge positive remarks from the students. It was said to look very professional and attractive which succeeds in engaging target audience  The layout and pages are consistent and well displayed. The information is feasible and informative providing the detailed and clear information for any concerns. Some argued the website was too colourful and looked slightly 'tacky' whilst another argued it lacked colours. 

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